Homer simpson sexy

Homer simpson sexy and beautiful, blonde teen with a huge pair of tits, who’s a bit shy at first. The problem is that she’s never been to a porn site before. That is until her stepbrother, Peter Green, comes over to help her get ready for her audition. Peter tells her that he’s a fan too, and asks if she’d like to be a porn star. Peter tells her that he’d like to be a porn star but that she’d prefer to stay in porn because she’s a big girl. Peter tells her that he’d like to be a porn star but that she’d also rather have fun with him. Peter says he’d like to be a porn star so he takes off all her clothes and starts stroking her pussy. She loves the way his cock feels inside her, and then she gets down on her knees and starts sucking him off. Peter goes balls Simpsons Porn – Threesome.

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