Worlds smallest pussies

Worlds smallest pussies, 18 year old Freya Parker is here today and we’re happy to have her back for us. We have a lovely little set of tits and a huge ass. We’re all about getting our hands on them and playing with them while she’s getting ready to get fucked. We find out that Freya has an agreement with Peter Green that she’ll give his dick to him whenever he wants. Peter tells her that he’s going upstairs and they’ll make their way inside. They pull out all sorts stuff, including some toys for Freya so she can play with them as she teases Peter. Peter is more than happy now since he’s not the only one in the room. The girls jump in bed together right before he leaves. Peter takes things into her bedroom where Freya begins sucking his cock. They are both super excited by the size of his cock, and they instantly start making out like rabbits. They take turns taking turns riding him, and then they swap positions so they You might have the smallest penis in the world SPH.

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